Working in Investment and Asset Management - Top tips from Catherine, an Investment Analyst

Created on 20 Oct 2017

Catherine has just secured a role as an investment analyst at WTW - a role she heard about on the Bright Network website. She’s in her final year of a Physics degree at Durham University, and will start the role in September 2018. Congratulations!

Why did you choose to apply for the role of investment analyst at WTWn?

They're one of the big three firms that does investment consulting, which is clearly appealing. Also, their graduate scheme puts you through the CFA, and I really wanted to work towards that. Diversity was also a priority for me, it was important to me to work for a firm that values everyone. Finally, I felt a genuine sense of support there during my internship.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The online tests were actually easier than some others, there was nothing too difficult in the whole process. There were also two people on the interview panel at the assessment centre, which I felt made it a more comfortable atmosphere.

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

I was surprised by how quickly my application progressed. I applied quite late in the process, so went through it quickly – I actually got the offer within two weeks of applying. They seemed very responsive throughout the process.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

1. Do your research - have some questions prepared.

2. Have some points prepared before interview to make sure they're included.

3. Make sure you've read up on any qualifications you'd be taking as part of the grad role - not just the job itself.

What's your lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

A week before, start regularly browsing their website, LinkedIn etc, to make sure you start absorbing background info about them.

Looking to follow in Catherine's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with WTW.

Bright Network member, Catherine
Catherine, Durham University
WTW, Investment Analyst